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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

FairTax marketers

By Stephen Eldridge


September 13, 2015
Sunday AM

The FairTax marketers are attacking AK. On the same day that SitNews published my reply to AK FT Director Wiley Broojs' letter, they published two more FT propaganda Letters-I replied to one of those two, Joe' O'Hara's and here reply to Amerogo Cimino's.

He claims that FT treats everyone equally. He does not understand that it treats POOR people much better and everyojne else WORSE.
See If poor people wing big, everone else must lose - fT is supposed to raise the same total revenue as today.

He claims that 22% "embedded taxes" disappear. He failes to understand that the FT economist who initially appeareed to say that later admitted that only 7% would decline (I say maybe only 2%) BRFORE addding 30% FT - prices will go UP 27-30% - see

He claims taxpayers save money on tax collectors. He fails to understand that the FT economists explained that STATE colection costs would go up by MORE than their hypothetical decline in FEDERAL collection costs.

He claims that there would be no more tax filing. he does not understand that all of the self-employed my file their earnings on an SS Wage report.

Also, while the IRS is technically "defunded" the FT is a Trojan Horse that will bring us back the old IRS with a vengeance. The FT economists conveniently "assumed" that there would be no cheating and no voluntary reduction in spending - indepnedant economists all believe that evasion/avoidance would be ENORMOUS. Thus, the FT will be say $600-$900B SHORT. The 16th Amendment will not be repealed in 7 years and Congress will repeal the FT's laughable "Sunset Clause". To plug that $600-$900B hole, Congress will enact a NEW Income Tax (Hello, old IRS).

Also, after that NEW income tax is enacted, Congress will be able to raise tax revenue, without enacting new taxes. Congress will merely enforce those rules in the FT to audit COMSUMERS, by looking at ALL of the consumers' finances to determine total soending and demand to see all FT receipts.

For a fuller understanding, see

Stephen Eldridge
Cosby, TN


About: "Retired tax lawyer/CPA, author, lecturer."

Received September 10, 2015 - Published September 13, 2015

Related Viewpoint:

letterRebirth of America and the World By Joe O'Hara

letter Federal income taxes By Amerigo M Cimino

letter STOP FEEDING THE BEAST By Wiley Brooks


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