SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Rebirth of America and the World

By Joe O'Hara


September 09, 2015
Wednesday PM

There is a multitude of 2016 presidential hopefuls - physicians, business people, politicians, liberals, a socialist, and many conservatives - all claiming to have the best interests of the American people at heart.

This diverse field is born of the frustration of the American people because they are being enticed down the wrong road. We Americans desperately need someone who will reverse that direction and restore the values that made America great.

Thankfully, conservative core-values are strong and realistic ones. Granted, these values must be presented in such a way that they have genuine appeal to women, people-of-color, and younger voters.

People comprising the above groups tend to embrace liberal initiatives. Conservatives must convince them that 'We conservatives have a better way.' and select a leader who is absolutely clear in conveying that message to Americans.

America suffers a declining economy, incoherent foreign affairs, a lack of leadership and accountability at the federal level. Consequently, that new leader must inspire Americans to accept conservatism as the logical way to reverse these and other harmful trends, and too restore the moralities and liberties that are systematically being robbed from we Americans.

Let's begin by implementing a national sales tax - a FAIRtax - to breath new life into our stagnant economy as well as concentrating on issues like creating good-paying jobs for Americans instead of issues like addressing negative climate-change.

Granted, climate-change is an extremely important issue that must be addressed and resolved quickly. But given the dismal state of Americas' and the Worlds' economy, it must be given a higher priority than that of climate change. We must get people back to work doing good-paying jobs first, and tackling Americas' debilitating debt which is approaching $20 trillion. If we don't, then positive climate-change - for most people - won't make a whole lot of difference, will it?

To his credit, President Obama's recent trip to Alaska - even though it appeared to be politically motivated - brought much-needed attention - however fleetingly - to the issue of climate change. However, the leaders of the world - not just America - must come together to defeat the negative effects of climate-change. Granted, that was the primary objective of the recent global climate change conference, but ...

... the James Stotts of the world are the real stewards of the resources that control global climate change. As Mr. Stotts so accurately stated in his August 27, 2015 letter to SitNews, " ... we need to have a say in federal and state resources management." ... and the World must listen to what they have too say.

Renaming a mountain and eating a meal with the locals - although helpful - won't get it done!

Joe O'Hara
Ocala, Florida

Received September 02, 2015 - Published September 09, 2015



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