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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

CBS-SE TV Service
By Sandra Rusin McCray


January 28, 2013
Monday PM

Personally Mr. Cushing, I find your letter unprofessional and plain nasty when you refer to CBS-SE as "going cheap" and "cheap and dirty" when referring to the CBS-SE Network. Personally, I expect more from a City run organization, and a City Employee, that I help fund with my taxpayer money.

Any information that I have shared on Sitnews was done to provide information, and to clarify misinformation, to the best of my ability, regarding KPU CommVision's decision to take down the CBS-SE feed to make repairs to your equipment. It was never my intention to disparage KPU CommVision, or the TV service you provide, as you have done to CBS-SE and the Network service that we provide.

If anyone has any questions regarding what Mr. Cushing has stated in his response to my original letters to Sitnews, you can contact me directly with your questions. I can be reached at 907-225-4613 or 907-220-7148. My name is Sandra Rusin McCray and I am the Regional Sales Mgr. for CBS-SE.

Sandra Rusin McCray
Ketchikan, AK

About: Regional Sales Mgr. for CBS-SE

Received January 25, 2013 - Published January 25, 2013

Related Viewpoints:

letter CBS-SE TV Signal By Ed Cushing

letter CBS-SE TV Signal By Sandra Rusin McCray (2)

letter CBS-SE Service By Sandra Rusin McCray (1)



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska