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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Arrest at Elementary School

By Kelli Carlin-Auger


December 18, 2013
Wednesday PM

Regarding Amanda Martin's letter,  I completely disagree with her.  This reminds me of when a student asks a teacher "Why did you fail me?"  The teacher did not fail you - you failed you.  This arrest was not the fault of the State Trooper, it was the fault of Mr. Simpson.  He had a warrant for his arrest for a very serious reason.  He has alluded the police before.  I'm guessing that his family knew he had a warrant out for his arrest as well.  He chose to go to the school concert.  He was spotted  by a off duty officer who was at the concert to watch their child  The Troopers were kind enough to allow Mr. Simpson to stay at the concert and watch his kids perform.  They even let him hug his kids after the concert and interact with his family all while keeping a safe and comfortable distance from Mr. Simpson so as to not upset his children. 

So, rather than appreciate the "favor" they allowed Mr. Simpson, HE decides to try and escape from the troopers by running thru the school.  What a jerk!!  The Troopers didn't have a choice but to chase Mr. Simpson.  Ms. Martin states that Mr. Simpson didn't pose a serious threat?  Really?  When apprehended,, he was found to be in possession of not only drug paraphernalia but also a switch blade knife.  If Mr. Simpson was dumb enough to try and escape from a Trooper at his kids school concert then how do we know he's not dumb enough to use the switchblade knife he had on his person?  Personally, I'm angry that Mr. Simpson blew it for any other person who might of been offered a "break" by the troopers to not embarrass their children.  Next time, a wanted criminal will most likely be arrested right then and there in front of everyone because Mr Simpson chose to make more than one stupid and dangerous decision.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelli Carlin-Auger
Mother of 6th grade Fawn Mountain student
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received December 15, 2013 - Published December 18, 2013

Related Viewpoint:

letter Arrest at Elementary School By Amanda Martin

letter RE: Arrest at Elementary School By Vanessa Nowland

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Ketchikan, Alaska