SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Arrest at Elementary School

By Amanda Martin


December 14, 2013
Saturday PM

What in God's name made the Alaska State Trooper think it was a good idea to march into a crowded Ketchikan elementary school on the night of our precious children's Christmas pageant to apprehend his "guy". Was he a serious threat? No. He wasn't.

If you had a brain or children of your own you may have thought to wait just a little bit and get him at more appropriate time. He ran... YOU chased through the halls of my CHILD'S school. Did you know you KNOCKED an innocent little girl to the ground face first hurting her and dirtying her sweet Christmas dress? That was sooo stupid TROOPER! You have made me question sending my child to school this morning. WHY did you do that?

Get back to me when you can explain yourself.

Amanda Martin
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received December , 2013 - Published December 14, 2013


Location: Ketchikan
Case number: AK13093155
Type: Warrant Arrest, Resisting Arrest, Probation Violation, MIW IV, MIW V
Text: On 12-12-13 at approximately 1941 hours the Alaska State Troopers in Ketchikan were at the Fawn Mountain Elementary School and identified Jason Simpson, age 30 of Ketchikan. Simpson was known to have an outstanding $5000 warrant out for his arrest for PTRP on the original charge of Burglary II. While attempting to arrest Simpson, he fled on foot and after a brief struggle was captured in the parking lot with the assistance of an off duty VPSO and off duty US Forestry Law Enforcement Officer. Simpson was found to be in possession of a switchblade knife and drug paraphernalia. He was arrested on the warrant and also charged with probation Violation, Resisting Arrest, MIW IV, MIW V and transported to the Ketchikan Correctional Center and held without bail.

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska