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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Re: Affordable Care?

By Alan R. McGillvray


November 07, 2013
Thursday AM

Affordable care, to whom is it affordable? Only to a Senior Citizen who is getting most if not all his medical expenses paid by some one else, even if his 'diabetic test strips' were costing him $75.00 to $100.00 a month. Which, because he is on Medicare, some one else is picking up the costs of his testing supplies.

You see, when one has a procedure or tests done to themselves and little or no cost to that person, the costs are distributed throughout the payer pool. Who is the payer pool? Why it is you and I, those who believe that LIFE is in the LORD, and as a result, pay the costs of your medical expenses whether or not we so desire. Your colonoscopy is NOT FREE!! It cost an American taxpayer or multiples thereof, all but $80.00 as you say that is what it cost you.

Well Mister let me tell you, it cost me and those who are taxed to pay YOUR costs of keeping you here. I am against the Palin-called 'Death Panels' but to me, anyone who can afford to have expensive medical procedures done should do so. And those that can't, so long, I hope you enjoy your journey thru eternity. Take that last shot of morphine and go for the longest ride of your life. As I intend to enjoy mine.

Yours, in the LORD, his SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT,

Alan R. McGillvray
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "A life-long Alaskan, I have lived all over the state, from a month in Nome to a few yrs in Unalaska. Time in Anchorage and home again to Ketchikan."

Received October 31, 2013 - Published November 07, 2013

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Ketchikan, Alaska