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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Consumption tax

By David Shipp


October 07, 2013
Monday PM

With regard to Mark Curran and his opinion of the FAirTax: Let's keep this simple for Mark Curran's sake. Mark does not seem to understand that the FairTax, H.R.25 is a replacement for the income tax. As such, Federal , State, City, and any other employer, are already paying tax. They pay the required tax for the privilege of having employees. the matching of social security, FICA, the cost of keeping track of all the wages they pay, sometimes needing an entire wing of employees just to accomplish this, and the tax they pay called corporate taxes. All of these taxes and a few others are eliminated by the FairTax.

These taxes and expenses are replaced (That's REPLACED) with a consumption tax. Only new items are taxed, and interest income, or any other income, is not taxed.

Mark Curran wishes every one to start where we are today and assume that the FairTax ADDs taxes on top of what we and any employee, including government agencies, pay to day.

Again, the FairTax REPLACES taxes that are already being paid. Any income is already taxed and then most of the time it is taxed again, but that is another discussion of the advantages of the FAirTax, no double taxation.

Thank you

David Shipp,
North Carolina, national FairTax advocate


Received September 27, 2013 - Published October 07, 2013

Related Viewpoint:

letter Fairtax letter in SitNews By Mark Curran



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Ketchikan, Alaska