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Fairtax letter in SitNews

By Mark Curran


September 26, 2013
Thursday PM

If permissible, I'd like to respond to the letter about Fairtax, because as one of the earliest supporters of Fairtax, I know how wonderful it can sound.

But I also know the fine print.

In the fine print are massive "other taxes" as exposed by President Bush Tax Panel in 2004. President Bush heard about Fairtax too, and had it studied extensively.

The Tax Panel had little trouble finding the massive other taxes - yes, Fairtax has a retail sales tax. That's part of it. A small part. But most of Fairtax has nothing to do with personal retail sales.

The biggest source of revenue in Fairtax are the massive taxes on city county and states. That's right, Fairtax taxes city county and states, not just on retail sales, but on wage expenditures, on pension expenditures, on operational expenditures. In fact, Fairtax even taxes all city county and states on "capital investment" expenditures.

For example, if Kenia builds a 40 million dollar library, or bridge, or court house, or water treatment plant, Kenia would owe 9 million dollar tax on that "expenditure" of 40 million. It's in the fine print. Fairtax documents do tell you - cleverly -- about the wage expenditure and capital investment expenditure tax.

They just hide it very well in the double talk nonsense in the fine print.

President Bush Tax Panel eats such fine print tricks for breakfast, and spits it out for lunch, so they found it just by reading every document, especially the documents about Fairtax "TAX BASE".

Tax base is, by definition, what they tax. In this case, the Fairtax document "Comparison of Fairtax Tax Base". It's all there, cleverly stated, you just have to untangle it.

The problem is not the retail sales tax on personal consumption -- the problem is the OTHER 2.1 Trillion in taxes. Fairtax clever fine print glosses over these other taxes, but worse, there is no mention of them in the books videos and speeches.

All cancer victims are taxed too -- 23% on their CONSUMPTION of health care. Again, Fairtax "tax base" is where the slick trick is, in their documents about their tax base. Fairtax documents tell you, their tax base is whatever NIPA defines as consumption expenditures by persons and by government. Don't know what NIPA is? That's the point, they do tell you, however, that is what they tax.

NIPA is an accounting concept that has nothing to do with taxes, but Fairtax documents did tell you, that is what they tax, whatever NIPA defines as personal or governmental consumption expenditures. Yes, places they tell you its a very simple retail sales tax. No, it's not, only a PART of Fairtax is that simple retail sales tax.

Google Fairtax goofy hustle, or just read all Fairtax documents very very closely.

Mark Curran
Peoria, IL

About: "Former Fairtax supporter who read the fine print "

Received September 26, 2013 - Published September 26, 2013

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