SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Re: Tax Payers Revelation
By Peggy Green


June 17, 2010
Thursday PM

I think Don Borders makes perfect sense in his article regarding the Library, and other Government offices. I too think that the Borough offices should utilize the Ward Cove property.

As another idea, why not use the building that the Alaska Marine Highway is currently in. The Alaska Marine Highway has plenty of property that is under utilized right now. There is plenty of room for them to house all the workers here in Ketchikan right on the water front. Makes perfect sense to me. The State of Alaska would save a lot of money, and maybe utilize the money they have for buying the Ward Cove property and use it for repair or paint the current ferries we now have. Or save it in an account for the new ferries we are going to need. Think of all the money the State would save not having to pay rent. We have the property use it for the greater good of the State. Management would be available to the Captains, crew, and ticketing office. They would be right there interacting with the employees of the State. Let the State set an example for the community. Save taxpayer money and utilize what we have.

There is property on either side of the current terminal. Use it! Make yourselves visible to the community that you serve. People would know where to go when the meetings are held for the scheduling and public input. It's time for local and state government to set an example, and be thrifty. Stop wasting money on buying unneeded property and use what you have! Having said that, I have heard that Alaska Ship and Drydock needs more room. Why don't they consider Ward Cove?

Peggy Green
Ketchikan, AK


Received June 16, 2010 - Published June 17, 2010


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letterTax Payers' Revelation By Don Borders

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Ketchikan, Alaska