SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

KPU Tech

By Marlene Steiner


December 01, 2014
Monday PM

I was watching a program on TV Sunday and it went to tiles, then it went black. I tried other channels and it was the same thing. I tried to call the tech people through both local numbers, that did not work. I want to know why someone has to call both local numbers about 5 times and still gets the same thing - dead air. I thought that when a number is publish in the phone book, it should work, not be dead air.

Thought you should be able to get through when you want and not wait for one hour and half to get through. When I was a able, I got someone who told me that I would have to reset my box. Why should I when most of the other channels work?

Don't put the blame on the weather. They need to get their act together.

Marlene Steiner
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received November 30, 2014 - Published December 01, 2014


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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