SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Ketchikan Museum

By Alan R.McGillvray


December 11, 2013
Wednesday PM

Dear Sitnews,

I agree with 'Skip's' letter although, I would suggest that a replacement for the Museum's Director/Curator is necessary and has been ever since I got back to my home here in town. At my insistence he started to put more Ketchikan history up on display. Because when I arrived and for a couple of years after, I would go to my Mother's house (re: Museum) and look at the exhibits there that had nothing to do with our locality, or what we have done throughout our existence. E.g. fishing, logging, mining.

I mentioned this to the existing director of the museum and finally after so many years he began to pay attention. I say began; I even had to look up and find a picture that used to be a postcard, that I donated to their picture collection, and have yet to see on display. Along with many other pics of the occupations of those engaged in our only REAL industry that is left to those of us who enjoy going out and getting our 'butts' kicked, while fishing (pun intended) for the money we need to make it thru to the next season.

Thank you, 'Skip' for bringing your rant and critique to our attention, also for saying so.

I have of been waiting for someone besides me, because, I did not want to be the 'lone voice in the wilderness,' to say something about the state of our Museum and its leadership, or lack thereof.

Yours in local history,

Alan R.McGillvray
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Long-time resident of Ketchikan, and Alaska, since about 1946."

Received December 10, 2013 - Published December 11, 2013

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Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska