SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Robert McRoberts


December 21, 2007
Friday AM

It's so close to Christmas we should all be saying Merry Christmas.

Months ago I was invited by the City to put my input in on this subject of sprinklers. There were only 4 or 5 contractors that made this meeting and one architect co. At this meeting I could see they were already convinced they were going to put this into effect no mater what we said. I suggested it would be easier for all if they just spec out their fire trucks for our conditions. But oh no. Just how the city works, let the public pay the cost.

Now let's be real. The houses that have burned are all old houses. New houses are built to fire code and building codes. They're not the ones burning -- just the ones that are older.

People live in old houses because they can not afford new homes. Soon very few will be able to afford to live here. No one to work the low paying jobs making business pay more for employees. No one but the very rich will be able to buy local, and you know they won't.

Look what's happening in the rest of the states. People are losing their homes at a very alarming rate. Sure we are a year behind here in Ketchikan. If we keep making it more and more expensive to live here by this time next year we will lose a lot more people. I used to say I would never leave but I have changed my mind. I just need to find the right place -- warm and dry.

Ketchikan may have been saved for a little while by the tourist business but the gold rush may be on the down side. The country is going into some hard times since we gave all are jobs to China.

Well I just wanted to put in my opinion as I do very often because i have that right.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Robert McRoberts
Ketchikan, AK

About: 35+ years in Ketchikan

Received December 20, 2007 - Published December 21, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska