SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


History, Reason & Representation
By Derek Flom


December 17, 2007
Monday AM

Merry Christmas Ketchikan,

I first want to give a big hand to Mr. Edwardson, keep the voice of common sense loud and in the forefront.

Why do some of our elected officials seem to go with the group instead of speaking up and standing up for what's best for the people that elected them?. Is common sense leaving Alaska too? Or do they give you a set of chicken feathers and a secret rule book when you take the oath? This seems to be a statewide issue, it's time that the people of Alaska and their representation speak loudly that we are a State and we are due our share, we all pay taxes. We have not had 150 years to build our towns, bridges and roads. We matter just as much as any other state, our federal tax dollars are no different than everyone else's. So why is Alaska still treated like a territory? Like some Eco-park to make liberals and tree huggers feel good about saving the Earth, while they live in their polluting cities.

No Bridge? Let's see what the people of New York think if the citizens of Alaska could stop one of their infastructure projects. Not Likley.

So why does our Governor and our Reps. accept anything less?

Indifferent thoughts cause debate, debate causes discussion, discussion brings the best ideas and plans forward. So I ask you why in a town full of different ideas, why do some of those that represent us not reflect those they represent? We have a great town and in display of our often emotionally fueled issues, no matter how big or small, is a great community of people who care about their town and the place we all call HOME.

Here is an important piece of history that every Alaskan new and old should know. Just the first two parts, but our recent big debate and now a new isuue, it will reflect upon.

Adopted by the Constitutional Convention
February 5, 1956

Ratified by the People of Alaska
April 24, 1956

Became Operative with the Formal
Proclamation of Statehood

January 3, 1959

We the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land, in order to secure and transmit to succeeding generations our heritage of political, civil, and religious liberty within the Union of States, do ordain and establish this constitution for the State of Alaska.

Section 1.1 - Inherent Rights.

This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protection under the law; and that all persons have corresponding obligations to the people and to the State.

Section 1.2 - Source of Government.

All political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole.

There are new proposed legal issues with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection new PVSA proposal that will affect our biggest industry in Ketchikan. The PVSA passenger vessel act new rules could destroy all of Southeaest Alaska`s tourism business. It is important that every person in Alaska speak their voice on this issue. This could take away 1/3 or more of our year-round eeconomy. Anyone who thinks tourism dosen't matter should do some resaerch on our tax base. 1/3 of our economy effects 100% of everyone.

It is time the rest of the U.S. knows that Alaska is not a big ECO-PARK for the liberals and tree huggers who have never left a paved road. They have already put enough road blocks in places they don't know anything about and will never visit. We are a State, we are a people like no other, This is the Last Frontier, this is ALASKA.

We must fight for what is right.

Not Tide or any other soapbox - from the heart,

Derek Flom
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Candidate for Borough Assembly 2008"

Received December 16, 2007 - Published December 17, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska