SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Re-elect Begich

By John Pecham


November 01, 2014
Saturday PM

As a commercial fisherman, I support the reelection of U.S. Senator Mark

I m a member of United Fisherman of Alaska (UFA), which endorsed Senator
Begich because of his record of service to Alaska s fishing industry, and his
chairmanship on the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries and the Coast

Practical considerations strongly influence my vote in national congressional
elections. This is because Alaska s economy is dependent on resource use and
management, and the federal government owns or has jurisdiction over much of
Alaska s resources. I vote for the candidate who is best able to help Alaskans, the
Alaskan economy and my industry.

I vote for independent-minded and skillful Alaskans who have influence in
their own party, can work across the aisle, and will break from their own party
when Alaska s special circumstances require.

Mark Begich passes this test. He has influence in Congress because of his hard
work, pragmatic approach to issues, and leadership role. Sen. Begich has
consistently worked across the aisle. Contrary to the implications of misleading
negative ads, Begich has opposed President Obama and the Democratic Party
when that was in Alaska s best interest.

Alaska is also best served by having a senator from each party, especially now
that earmarks are banned. Having a senator who is in the same party as the
president assures influence on the implementation of regulations and on the
spending priorities of the administration.

To me the choice is clear. Mark Begich is the best candidate for fishermen and
for Alaska.

John Peckham
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "I've lived in Ketchikan since 1975. I've been purse seining in Southeast Alaska for 39 years. I'm a former President of Southeast Alaska Seiners Association, and a former member of the Northern Panel of the Pacific Salmon commission"

Received October 28, 2014 - Published November 01, 2014



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