SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Vote for Chere Klein

By Hannah Ramiskey


November 01, 2014
Saturday PM

Dear Editor,

Since coming to Alaska in 1977, I have been an undeclared voter. I am a fiscal conservative, but less conservative on social issues. I have voted for candidates from both parties and expect them to tell me truthfully who they are. I was disappointed when Dan Ortiz announced that he was a moderate Republican running as an Independent Alaskan. I have known Dan since the late eighties - to me, he is not a Republican, moderate or otherwise.

I have listened to Dan tell the Borough Assembly that they should give more money to the school district and it was fine to raise his taxes to do it. I pointed out to the Assembly that between 40-45% of students in this school district meet federal guidelines for poverty - the School Superintendent told me the number is closer to 50%, as some students are embarrassed to return the forms. Most of these families do not own homes - they rent. Any increase to a landlord is passed on to them in higher rent. Add to that, unlike many other SE communities, Ketchikan charges sales tax on rental property. The costs are high.

When I look at the State budget and the dropping price of oil, I cannot vote for a candidate who is willing to ignore the reality of the finances of the students in his care, while asking for property tax hikes that will end up as an increase in wages for him and his family.

The State is running out of options and even a substantial income tax will never support this diverse, expensive Alaska with only 730,000 residents. I am looking for someone who will work hard to balance a budget -- not put our state in the same financial condition as the federal government.

Dan is not that candidate. He is running as an “Independent Alaskan” to avoid being labeled a “Democrat”. If elected, he will not find a beneficial standing in the House with those in the majority. That will not be in Ketchikan’s best interest.

Vote for Chere --- she is who she says she is.

Hannah Ramiskey
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received October 28, 2014 - Published November 01, 2014


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