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Medicaid reform group considers extending comment period on Medicaid reform


November 03, 2014
Monday PM

(SitNews) Anchorage, Alaska - The Medicaid Advisory Reform Group experienced an extraordinary public response to the draft innovation proposals being considered at its meeting Oct. 29 in Anchorage. Because of the volume of feedback and teleconference challenges that prevented some people from providing testimony, the group will ask for additional time to receive public comment and submit the report.

“We apologize for the technical problems and will ensure that everyone who wants to speak has that opportunity,” said William J. Streur, commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services and chair of the group. “This type of robust public feedback is welcome because it helps to identify the best recommendations possible on how to successfully reform this important program.”

Gov. Sean Parnell created the Medicaid Advisory Reform Group to study and create a proposal for meaningful reforms to the state’s Medicaid program. The group started meeting in April and has provided time for public testimony at every meeting since then. The Oct. 29 meeting was originally the last on its schedule for public comment.

Streur said the group will meet again in the next seven to 10 days to discuss how much additional time it needs to allow for public input, complete its work, and ensure that the Governor and the Legislature receive a complete and comprehensive report.

An additional opportunity for public testimony will be scheduled soon. Written testimony is also strongly encouraged and can be submitted via email to .

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News: 

Alaska Department of Health & Social Studies

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