SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Parnell Urged to Expand Medicaid; Citizens deliver petition to Governor’s office

November 07, 2013
Thursday AM

(SitNews) Anchorage, Alaska - Wednesday, Alaska citizens delivered a petition supporting Medicaid expansion with 1,460 signatures to Governor Sean Parnell’s office.  Twenty- eight signatures came from concerned citizens and former Alaska residents living in other states. Vicki Penwell, an Alaskan from Nabesna, started the petition less than a week ago.

“Thousands of Alaskans are urging Governor Parnell to expand Medicaid and ensure 41,500 more Alaskans have health coverage,” said Penwell.

According to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Medicaid expansion with new federal funding would provide coverage for 41,500 Alaskans. Most of these Alaskans are low income workers and currently under or uninsured.  Expansion would create some 4,000 new jobs, create an infusion of $1.2 billion in wages for Alaskans, and $2.49 billion in economic growth for Alaska.

Also on Wednesday, the Anchorage NAACP announced its support for Medicaid expansion in Alaska. The NAACP joined other prominent Alaska organizations endorsing Medicaid expansion, including the Chamber of Commerce, Alaska Federation of Natives, Anchorage Faith and Action - Congregations Together, and the Alaska Association of Hospitals and Nursing Homes.  

Governor Parnell is reconsidering his decision to reject federal funding for Medicaid expansion, and is expected to announce a decision in December.

“Governor Parnell should listen to Alaskans and expand Medicaid,” said Kevin D. McGee, 1st Vice President and Chairman, Political Action Committee of the Anchorage NAACP.

Medicaid expansion would cover 41,500 Alaskans, and would create some 4,000 new jobs.  By bringing in new federal funding at very little cost to the state, it would create an infusion of $1.2 billion in wages for Alaskans, and $2.49 billion in economic growth for Alaska.

"It is a right to have affordable health care not a privilege," said Wanda V. Laws, President, NAACP, Anchorage.

“Medicaid is the right humanitarian decision and the right business decision for Alaska,” said McGee.

Medicaid is the United States health program for families and individuals with low income and resources.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Sources of News:

Anchorage NAACP

Vicki Penwell

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