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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Abortion, rights and choice
By Marie Zellmer


November 26, 2012
Monday PM

I have been reading a lot about the abortion issue on Sitnews lately and I felt that I should add a little of what I know, personally. I will admit publicly that I have had two abortion procedures. Why? Is it because I don't like children? I can't afford to raise one, or have the guts to give it up for adoption? Or, because I am selfish and I don't want to have the responsibility of another life? The answer is no to all of these questions.

I love kids, I have worked with them my entire life (being raised in a large family and working for the elementary schools locally). The answer is medical. But what does this all come down to? It comes down to the fact that I made a choice, and I chose my own health and safety over the pain and anguish. So, I have never even reconsidered what I did. What it all boils down to is that people (men and women) have a right to choose in our nation, and whatever their reasons for their decision it is theirs. I only ask that if anyone ever has to make the decision, EVER, they need to be one hundred percent sure. I was, but other people have berated me over the years when they find out. And yet I still have no doubts.

The right to choose is all that some people like me ask. If a couple has to make a decision and they are not one hundred percent sure, (both of them independently), then they should seek counseling. And there are all kinds of places they can get it, just ask.

Marie Zellmer
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Long time Ketchikan Resident and Pro-choice."

Received November 26, 2012 - Published November 26, 2012





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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska