SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

GAC pool
By Amber Williams-Baldwin


November 26, 2012
Monday PM

All last year swimming twice a week I had to sometimes wait 30 minutes for a " family room/ handicap room" . I am very happy that there're no stairs (except for the slides). If last year having two family rooms-handicap rooms wasn't enough, why would we only put in two again? Would anyone want to take their child out of a warm bath & let them wait 5,10,15-30 minutes to dry off? No? Then why didn't we put in several small just family rooms separate from handicap rooms? I think that was a HUGE mistake to both parties.

As a mother, who is disabled, I also have a disabled son so I need to use a family room because an 8 year old boy doesn't belong in the girl's room. Thankfully I'm not in a wheelchair much right now & I can use a normal locker room but I would feel horrible if I used a family -handicap room when a more disabled person than myself needed it. I truly wish they were separate as little girls with their dads & little boys with moms & the disabled ALL should not have to wait to get out of cold wet clothes.

Amber Williams-Baldwin
Ketchikan, AK

About: Disabled, a resident who was born, raised in Ketchikan...

Received November , 2012 - Published November 26, 2012

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska