SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Dumping items over the 3rd Ave. bypass
By Vanessa Bruns


November 23, 2012
Friday PM

I ask that the residents of Ketchikan be more thoughtful and respectful when they are wanting to dispose unwanted items. The 3rd Avenue Bypass is not a dumping ground. There have been many items thrown over the 3rd Avenue railing ranging from bicycles, household garbage, cans, bottles, insulation, animal remains from hunting or fishing trips, small appliances, and scrap wood to name a few. What individuals may not realize, there are houses below the Bypass.

When you throw items over the edge of the bypass it ends up on a tax payer's property resulting in that tax payer~your fellow community member having to clean up the mess and dispose of the items properly.

Most recently there has been stripped deer and fileted salmon or halibut carcasses thrown over the railing of the bypass, it stinks up the area of rotting meat/fish.

Some pet owners like to walk their dogs along the 3rd Ave. wall. It is incredibly disgusting to find your pet with a stripped deer head, leg, spine or fish skeleton in its mouth. If the pet has eaten enough of the remains the end results is the owner having to pick up dog vomit or diarrhea. I realize it is natural for a dog to be attracted to such things in the wild but dumping is not natural.

Please be considerate and use the services Ketchikan has to offer - "The Landfill"


Vanessa Bruns
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Long time resident of Ketchikan."

Received November 23, 2012 - Published November 23, 2012



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska