SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Michael McColley


November 26, 2010
Friday PM

Mr. Miller is the one who didn't want the federal government to help Alaskans. Now it is Mr. Miller who tried to file a motion to sue over misspellings and the election process and who asked for help from the federal government.

The state said no. And guess what -- all Alaskans have the right to vote. I believe this was a law put in effect by the State of Alaska for people in 1921. I believe that it says natives and white people alike that couldn't read well or spell, as long as it was their intent to vote for a person and they misspelled a letter it was ok. Some Alaskans in the
villages and cities are not educated. You hear rumors of people graduating that can't read.

When Mr. Miller fights the State of Alaska, then Alaskans will fight back. Lisa Murkowski did and now she is accepted as the U.S. Senator of Alaska.

Mr. Miller shouldn't make things worse. Does he want people to say Joe Miller left a bad taste in Alaskan's mouth, or does he want them to say ,it was a tough race he gave it his best and moved on.

But to undermine Alaska courts and suing is not going to work. By the way the federal judges all are Alaskans.

Mr. Miller needs to be a man and concede. He is climbing a burning rope.

Michael McColley
Ketchikan, AK


About:" I have live in Alaska most of my life. I am a veteran, and served my country.
I have retired out of the Laborers Union and worked for 25 years in construction."

Received November 24, 2010 - Published November 26, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska