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RE: Iranian Nuclear Weapons Threat
By Adam Price


November 23, 2010
Tuesday PM

Mr. Donald Moskowitz’s letter (Iranian Nuclear Weapons Threat, 11/9/10) basically said it’s time to use force against Iran in an effort to stop their nuclear program.  The letter states that a number of countries have nuclear weapons, but are considered “stable” and they behave with “rational conduct.”  Umm…let’s see, which country is the only one in history to drop not one, but two atomic bombs?  

Not long ago the Persian Gulf was home to another significant risk lead by unstable leadership.  By the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?  We doubled the size of the Department of War and call it Homeland Security.  Are we safer?

Since 2003, it is true, Iran has conducted nuclear activities in efforts to establish the capacity to indigenously produce fissile material.  According to the Arms Control Association, estimated stockpiles of nuclear warheads in Pakistan number less than 90. North Korea has separated enough plutonium for up to 12 nuclear warheads.  China has 240 nuclear warheads.  The United States?   9,600.   Remind me who is acting irrationally.

It is time for Americans to clean their stars-n-strips tinted glasses.  As long as the American Empire operates (on borrowed money no less) as a foreign imperialist, we will always be a terrorist target.  The mid-term election results showed that many Americans are tired of the welfare state of bloated debt, deficits and bailouts.  Can we now turn our attention to the bloated warfare state?

Adam Price
Waco, Texas

Received November 17, 2010 - Published November 23, 2010


Related Viewpoint:

letter Iranian Nuclear Weapons Threat By Donald A. Moskowitz

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