SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Obvious differences
By A. M. Johnson


November 07, 2010
Sunday PM

Editor Sitnews,

No matter your candidate choice for Senator it is relative easy to view why each was supported and the reasons.

In my opinion, if your supported Mr. Miller it was from a philosophical agreement of a simple straight forward program of smaller government, States Rights highlighting the development of our vast natural resources, balanced budgets, no earmarks, and paying down the debt. His supporters agreed with that and asked for no special favors or consideration for their vote and support.

As one views the support for Senator Murkowski, it becomes apparent that none of the above goals of Mr. Miller are contained within the expressed support by special interests for Murkowski, instead, if you review the advertisements and known history of what gains supporters enjoyed from Senator Murkowski's tenure in Congress you will recognize that each and everyone save her old Ketchikan classmates, was touting what she had done for them and they expected more of the same in the future.

The vast percentage,of what they want comes from my grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and beyond Chinese owed debt. Her support for the Stimulus package, Cap and Trade, abortion (what happened to Her being a Catholic?) and the convoluted position on ObamaCare, overlooked by her supporters for Corporate/personal gain.

Just saying.


Ketchikan, AK

About: "A principled Old crustaceous Pond Reef resident"

Received November 05, 2010 - Published November 07, 2010




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska