SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Chere Klein for House

By Wynn Hopkins


October 27, 2014
Monday PM

The privilege of voting is a sacred trust.

Both HD36 candidates are exemplary citizens who have had long-standing positive influence here.

We can vote for someone because we know and trust that person, and would like to reward her or him for years of fine service within our community.

Or should we consider even more important factors that can work either for or against our district?

Alaskans are known for independence, but in the case of a legislative representative, independence is a handicap rather than a virtue. The entire system in Juneau is based upon cooperation, with strongest legislative consideration given to those in the majority coalition. We may wish this were not so, but that is the way it is.

We have a candidate for House District 36 who has experience working in the legislature. She will be a representative who can automatically organize with the House majority and already knows the ropes in Juneau so that we may achieve the maximum benefit for our district when funding is decided upon.

Chere Klein is that person. She will give our district a strong voice in statewide decision-making and funding that will impact us in the coming years.

In Chere we have a quality candidate with a strong work ethic who knows what she stands for regardless of the pressures around her and will stand firm for us. Chere is a quick study, gracious, and a good listener. I have always found her to be easily accessible and eager to receive citizen input.

I know she will fight for us and do what is right.

Please join me in voting for Chere Klein for House District 36 in November's election.

Wynn Hopkins
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Long-time resident"

Received October 27, 2014 - Published October 27, 2014



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