SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alaska Native Housing Programs
Awarded $7 Million


October 08, 2014
Wednesday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - During a visit to Alaska hosted by U.S. Senator Mark Begich, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro on Monday announced $59.8 million in funding will be awarded to 90 tribal communities nationwide. Alaska will receive almost $7 million of the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program grant funds that are slated to improve housing conditions and stimulate community development, including construction projects and local jobs for low-income families.

jpg Alaska Native Housing Programs
Awarded $7 Million

U.S. Senator Begich and U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro touring Anchorage's Mountain View area Monday.
Photo courtesy Office of U.S. Sen. Mark Begich

Southeast Alaska recipients include the Metlakatla Housing Authority in the amount of $600,000 and the Organized Village of Kassan in the amount of $599,904.00. Recipients can use the funding to support rehabbing or building new housing or to buy land for housing; for infrastructure such as roads, water and sewer facilities; and to spur economic development including job creation.

“As a former mayor, Secretary Castro understands the importance of investing in local housing and infrastructure to keep the economy strong and to make sure hard-working families have access to affordable housing,” said Begich. “I’m pleased we have succeeded in getting the Administration to listen to Alaska's unique housing needs, with more than 10 percent of the grants announced today to be awarded to Alaska tribes and communities. From Ruby to Rampart, from Ketchikan to St. Paul Island, these funds will be used to improve local economies and local living conditions for thousands of Alaskans.”

The purpose of the ICDBG program is to develop more viable Alaska Native and American Indian communities, including decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities.

This announcement and Castro’s visit to Alaska come after a recent meeting in the Senator’s D.C. office in which Begich urged him to travel north to better understand Alaska’s unique needs. The two former mayors discussed issues ranging from removing barriers to more affordable housing in Alaska, supporting rental assistance for veterans and getting help to first-time homebuyers and Alaska Natives living in rural areas.

According to Begich, as part of his ongoing effort to make the Federal government understand and listen to Alaskans, he has brought more than a dozen high level federal officials to Alaska. Just this year Begich brought five cabinet secretaries to the state, from the Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Commerce, and Department of Labor.

jpg Alaska Recipients

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News: 

Office of U.S. Senator Mark Begich

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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