SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Vote Matt Olsen on Nov. 6
By Joann Flora


October 22, 2012
Monday PM

Dear Editor,

We need direct representation in the State House. Matt Olsen from Ketchikan is running in this election and is our only chance for Ketchikan's presence in the legislature. As one of the largest cities in Alaska, Ketchikan must have a seat in the 2013-2014 State Legislature.

Don't let Ketchikan be way down on the list of priorities for legislative action this year. Vote for Matt and assure us of a seat at the table. It is time for a person of Matt's stature to become our voice for Southern Southeast.

Vote Matt Olsen on November 6.


Joann Flora
Ketchikan, AK


Received October 17, 2012 - Published October 22, 2012



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska