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Write-In Lisa Murkowski
By Chris J. Herby


October 12, 2010
Tuesday PM

Editor Sit News

I am writing to ask everyone to join me in writing in Lisa Murkowski for US Senate on November 2nd.  Lisa truly cares about Alaska and I believe she has done a fine job for us during her 8 years in the senate. 

I have heard some Joe Miller supporters criticize Lisa for doing too much reaching across the aisle to the Democrats.  In my opinion that is called doing what it takes to get the job done for Alaska.  She learned plenty from Ted Stevens about what it takes to get the job done for Alaska.  I would like everyone to consider this, where would Alaska be today if the voters would have voted Ted Stevens out of office after his first 8 years in the Senate?  Worse yet, what if after 8 years he had been replaced by a slick talker from Kansas that never held public office before?  Let’s not make that mistake on November 2nd.  Let’s do what’s best for Alaska and write in Lisa Murkowski.  We need to keep her in office with her seniority and experience.  Let’s make history and write in Lisa Murkowski.


Chris J. Herby
Ketchikan, AK



Received October 12, 2010 - Published October 12, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska