SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Health care
By Jessica Rollberg


October 01, 2009
Thursday PM

I have been a working, tax paying citizen for over 10 years now and have gone without health insurance for 8 because of my inability to afford it. I pray constantly that nothing will happen to me so that I can continue to support my family. I graduated from college, I am educated. There is no reason that I should have to fear for myself and my families welfare should I fall victim to illness.

We live in the wealthiest country in the world. We have the technology and resources to provide every person in this country with adequate health care coverage. Illegal immigrants are already getting health coverage in our hospitals' emergency departments through EMTALA - and it is costing our country, and you, billions of dollars each year. Why not give them a less expensive outlet through which to secure care and try to eliminate some of that debt? The government already has access to our personal information. Taxing businesses that make $400,000 or even $200,000 is not even that bad when you consider that the average uninsured American probably makes minimum wage or less.

It's time to end the selfish ways of the rich. Everyone has to make sacrifices to live in a society that promotes health and equality. You probably can afford to get sick. You probably have investments and credit that will float you until you get well. You probably don't live paycheck to paycheck and won't risk putting your family on the street if you have to take off work for a month or two in order to get well. Put your selfish interests aside and think of the good this could do for people that go bankrupt trying to afford their medical bills. Or those with sick children that put off their own ailing health to secure their child's.

Nearly half of our country suffers from preventable chronic conditions. We are dying as a nation. 16.5% of our GDP is spent on health care, over $2 trillion. And we rank 37th among all nations by the World Health Organization, on par with Serbia. The time is now. We must act before the chance passes us by.

Jessica Rollberg
St. Louis, MO

About: " I am a working single mom. I have a vested interest in this subject because I have no insurance."

Received October 01, 2009 - Published October 01, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska