SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bus Stop Benches
By Paul Ripplinger


October 30, 2007
Tuesday AM

I can not believe someone would stoop to removing the benches from the bus stop at the library or any bus stop! Why don't you get rid of all bus stops! The only thing you did was make it more inconvenient for the people that need the benches! I may not have the right answer but removing the benches was far from being good. Drunks, homeless, and perverts will just find other places to camp out. (Other bus stops?)

Maybe have a cop stop by or someone at the fire department while waiting for a call. Ask churches or other groups to take part in problem areas. A fake camera could work too. But punishing innocent people is not the answer!

Paul Ripplinger
Ketchikan, AK

Received October 29, 2007 - Published October 30, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska