Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Freedom of speech
By Frances C. Natkong


October 12, 2005
Wednesday PM

I'm sorry! I have to disagree with the person who applauds Southwest Airlines. I've seen a lot worse t-shirts than the one the lady was wearing. I applaud the lady who refused to cover up her shirt.

There is such a thing as freedom of speech, freedom of expression. If others were offended then they should not have looked at her shirt. Simple solution. If you look at kids and adults t-shirts these days there are a lot more offensive language and images on them. Look around you then throw stones if you must. Sheesh! The lady's t-shirt should be the least of their worries, with all the war and destruction going on all over.

Thank you and thanks for my freedom of speech!

Frances C. Natkong
Hydaburg, AK - USA



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Ketchikan, Alaska