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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Trump The Loose Cannon

By Donald A. Moskowitz


September 09, 2015
Wednesday PM

Donald Trump should not be a candidate for President of the United States. He is a volatile "loose cannon" who is out of control, and I am not referring to the immigration issue, which has to be addressed by more logical minds.

Trump is the personification of a global bully who would try to bully our potential adversaries into submission, and he could end up initiating major conflicts in the world. My concern is he will "shoot from the hip" and blunder into a nuclear war with Russia or China.

I have been voting as a conservative for various candidates from both parties since 1960 and I do not recall a presidential candidate who is so "off the wall" as Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump is not presidential material and he could be a threat to the security of this country and the world. We need to trump all of his cards and return him to his casinos.

Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH


About: "Donald A. Moskowitz holds a B.S. in Science from The Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from Babson College. He served over six years in the U.S. Navy as an enlisted man, then an officer. He has close to 40 years experience working for a number of corporations in various executive positions, including Division Manager and President of companies. Currently he is retired and actively involved in a number of civic organizations."

Received August 29, 2015 - Published September 09, 2015


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