SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Proposed Herbicide Chemical Spraying

By Eugene Natkong


September 03, 2014
Wednesday PM

I am submitting a letter to address the issue of the Herbicide Chemical Spraying proposed on the Prince of Wales Island by State of Alaska Department of Transportation.

The purpose is to permanently kill the evasive plant life on the road side of the Prince of Wales Island Highways.

I became aware of the proposed spraying last week and it is not published in the local Prince of Wales Island Newspaper but in a Ketchikan Newspapers some 50 miles away from the nearest POW Island community, not many of us read the Ketchikan papers but mostly The POW Island Newspapers, so we were left out of the published Public Notice meant for the Prince of Wales Island residents.

There are very little information or time to address our concerns about the proposals since it is a 30 days’ notice and they are scheduled to start spraying in the first week of September on the Thorne Bay highway.

I do not have a clear understanding what is in the chemicals that they want to spray on that highway.

What is the short term & long term effects to the non-evasive plant life, wildlife, animals, fish, sea life and humans? Any chemicals you see and hear about always have some real major health issue with it, what was it going to be for us?

A number of people have called the Alaska DOT office to address the concerns and the staff is not very pleasant to speak to and not cooperating with the concerns.

Why the rushed to spray the chemical in the fall time where the plant life is done for the season.

What is the Alaska DOT up to?

Eugene Natkong
Hydaburg, Alaska


Received August 28, 2014 - Published September 03, 2014



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