SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


A totally repulsive subject
By Charlanne Heath


September 12, 2007
Wednesday PM

I know, this is a totally repulsive subject and I shudder to even think about it. However, once again I am battling this problem with my children. Why are children allowed to remain in school when they have nits in their hair? Yes I have heard the normal responses how it affects the children if they are "kicked out" of school until the nits are gone, etc. Nonetheless, allowing children to remain in school until they have live lice is a huge mistake! If one of my children gets a cold in their eye and it is even slightly pink, I immediately receive a phone call telling me that they will not be allowed back into school until I obtain a note from their doctor.

Okay, now I'm a little confused here! It's not okay to allow a child to remain in school with pinkeye, but live eggs in their hair is allowed?! How many other parents battle this problem every year? Children in the elementary schools share a common area to store their backpacks and coats. If one child has nits, they can be passed to the entire classroom in a short period of time. This doesn't even include the day cares that could be involved if the parents work. I for one am extremely irritated when my youngest child, who isn't even school age yet, gets lice from the kids who do attend school.

I realize that it is humiliating for a child to be told that they have head lice, however I think it is less humiliating than telling them they have spread it to the entire classroom, daycare, or home!

By the way, don't even bother with the lice shampoo because it's a waste of money. Mayonnaise them, saran wrap their heads and let them sit for at least four hours. Oh yeah, I will probably never eat mayonnaise again!!

Charlanne Heath
Ketchikan, AK

Received September 12, 2007 - Published September 12, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska