SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

The President

By Hallie Engel

August 01, 2019
Thursday AM

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to be helpful and clarify some stuff:

Telling women of color to 'go back' to where they came from is racist. He's implying that they are less than because of their family origins, and that they are not real Americans, when they are. And if you have to come up with explanations to try and make this behavior sound acceptable, you're kidding yourself.

The Squad do love America. That's why they work hard to defend some of its most vulnerable people and make the country a better place. Sure, they have some viewpoints I might disagree with, but overall, they're a top-notch group of women.

The president is just racist and sexist in general. He was racist when he called Mexicans rapists and refused to disavow the KKK. He was racist when he defended white supremacists in Charlotte. He was racist way back in the day when he refused to rent apartments to black people.

And he's awful in general. Remember when he mocked a disabled reporter? When he supported the ridiculous birther lie? And what about all of those times he insulted John McCain, a war veteran? Pretty uncool, if you ask me.

And you know what else I thought was uncool? When American tax payers footed the bill for Trump's grown children to take a luxury trip to England this summer. But that's just small potatoes, really.


Hallie Engel
A former Ketchikan resident now living in Portland, Oregon.


Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.


Received July 21, 2019 - Published August 01, 2019

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