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Changes Coming to GED Test in January of 2014


August 29, 2013
Thursday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - The current version of the GED test, known as the “2002 Series GED,” will be replaced with the new “2014 GED” in January of 2014. If you have started, but not completed, the GED testing process by December 20, 2013 at the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan, your scores will become null and void and you will be required to start all testing over again in 2014. In addition, difficulty levels will increase substantially, as will the cost of testing.

UAS Ketchikan encourages new GED test-takers to begin the testing process by September 9, 2013. GED test-takers who have begun, but not yet completed all 5 tests, are encouraged to resume the process no later than October 1, 2013. The last day to take the current version of the GED test at UAS Ketchikan is December 20, 2013. Please note that the earlier a student starts the process, the easier it will be to meet the deadline.

Free GED prep is available at UAS Ketchikan beginning September 9, 2013. For more information, call the UAS Ketchikan Learning Center at 228-4560 or the GED instructor, Christie Willett, at 228-4516.

The new assessment will continue to provide adults the opportunity to earn a high school credential, but it goes further by measuring career- and college-readiness skills that are the focus of today’s curriculum and tomorrow’s success. According to the GED Testing Service®, the test is being updated because GED test graduates must remain competitive with students who complete their high school credentials in a traditional manner. Evidence suggests that test-takers who demonstrate fluency with the skills measured in the new assessment will be better prepared for what they plan to do with their lives. A graduate will no longer hold just a high school equivalency credential, but a roadmap for life’s success. It’s a stepping-stone toward a college classroom or a better career and a family-sustaining wage.


Source of News: 

UAS Ketchikan

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