SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


RE: What Could Go Wrong?
By Ken Leland


August 24, 2011

Spot on, Mr. Johnson! The best example was the disaster on Fishery Management prior to statehood, which was spiraling into disaster. With statehood Alaska assumed control of fisheries and the industry ( which is one of the cornerstones of Alaska's economy) that has not only recovered, but expanded.

Another major cornerstone of the Southeast economy, logging, has been effectively destroyed under federal control. Look at what happened at Ward Cove and the logging camps on Prince of Wales.

It was Washington who made us the laughing stock of the world with its "Bridge To Nowhere", thanks to the New York Times and comments by Sen. McCain on CNN and then Parade Magazine nailed the coffin closed with an article "A Visit to The Bridge to Nowhere".

The man who coined the phrase in a D.C. bar, Keith Ashdown attained celebrity status. Yet, after all the negativity generated at our expense, Congress rewarded the now Democratic controlled Congress with new "PORK". Look at at the high speed rail awarded to Sen. Harry Read from L.A. to Las Vegas. There are many others as well.

I am firmly convinced that Sen. Stevens defense of our economic future was one of several reasons he was targeted for destruction by the Democratic establishment, because they knew that they would not be able to cram through the socialist agenda that they had planned to implement.

I pray that the citizens of these United States that I love wake up in time to reverse the path to destruction this latest administration has set us on. Every day the news keeps getting worse.

Ken Leland
Ketchikan, AK

About: "35 year senior resident of Ketchikan"

Received August 24, 2011 - Published August 24, 2011

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letter What could go wrong? By A. M. Johnson

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Ketchikan, Alaska