SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


YES on Prop. 1 and NO on Prop. 2
By Dawn R. Rauwolf


August 23, 2010

I am going to vote YES on Prop. 1 and NO on Prop. 2 on Tuesday.

I live within the city limits, yet, I drive to get into town. It is actually easier to drive to Copper Ridge than it is to drive to downtown. I imagine a bus ride would be just as easy; we have a great bus system.

Our new library, built in the Copper Ridge area would be close to the Rec. Center, the Tongass School of Arts and Sciences, The Charter School, the new aquatic center, the Rainbird Trail and KRBD. I have no problem with this site. This site seems like it could provide plenty of uncramped space for a superb one-story library, with outdoor spaces around the building and plenty of room for parking. And as far as this site being in a rock pit... well, that's fine with me too. There are so many neighborhoods and buildings built in old rock pits in this town and they have all fared well. We have thrived and survived right next to exposed rock. And we will continue to do so - isn't that right Ketchikan?

I trust the folks who we have allowed to be in charge of this process. I trust the Friends of the Library, the Foraker Group, and the Library Feasibility Committee.

Vote YES on Prop. 1 and NO on Prop. 2.

Dawn R. Rauwolf
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Ketchikan resident for 15+ years, Mom of 3, and an avid library user. "

Received August , 2010 - Published August 23, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska