SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Joe Miller for U.S. Senate
By Andy Rauwolf


August 12, 2010
Thursday PM

I've noticed many signs in and around Ketchikan supporting Lisa Murkowski. Many are in yards of friends and fellow conservatives I've known and seen eye-to-eye with for years. Her state campaign manager is doing a great job and is a friend of mine, and until a couple of years ago I would also be sporting her signs on my property. But I have to question her voting record.

Among senate republicans, Lisa is now in the top four for voting across the aisle. For example, Lisa supported TARP which has squandered hundreds of millions of dollars. She voted against the fence along the Southwest border and she favors amnesty for illegal aliens. Lisa voted against a requirement to show a photo ID at election poles to prevent voter fraud. She also co-sponsored job killing Cap and Trade legislation, and suggested there should be a carbon tax. Lisa has been in the Obama camp on many of his big issues. She is against repealing Obamacare, and voted for the Wall Street bail-outs. She has become a RHINO (Republican In Name Only).

This country can no longer afford politicians who trade the values of their constituents for pet earmarks. We need authenticity in those who represent us. Joe Miller is authentic. Graduating from West Point with honors, he earned a Bronze Star in the first Gulf War. He has been a magistrate and a federal judge. He is a small businessman and an avid hunter and fisherman. He is a strict constitutionalist who will work to shrink government to what our founding fathers laid out in the constitution.

This is why I join Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, state representatives Tami Wilson and Wes Keller, Senator Fred Dyson, and thousands of others in supporting Joe Miller for our best choice as U.S. Senator from Alaska.

Andy Rauwolf
Ketchikan, AK

About: Contractor and Commercial Fisherman

Received August 12, 2010 - Published August 12, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska