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I Choose Joe Miller for US Senate and Why; Choose to Be Informed
By Sandra Rusin McCray


August 09, 2010

Southeast Alaska Timber Industry Retooling and Restructuring Act, introduced by current Senator Lisa Murkowski/Co-Sponsored by Mark Begich was introduced April 2, 2009. This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate.
The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Jun 27, 2010 9:10PM].

Last Action: Apr 2, 2009: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. For more information see

I am new to this and hope that I have the correct information. I would suggest that you go to the internet site and learn about this bill yourself. If I am not correct then please correct me about this.

So SE Alaska, do you really want to wait 6 more years to see if this bill gets through? I think not. It's time for change, so if you're still interested let's see how I figured this out.

I'm not claiming to be the smartest person in the world, I'm not claiming to have spent a lot of time in the past learning about my candidates, but I just got tired of the same old thing! Here I am wondering why the heck no one is doing anything about what is going on and then I "hear" in my head You are Someone" and you can try to make a difference. Sounds crazy, but it's true, and for the people that know me, that really know me, they know that I'm not a liar, I do not try to misinform people, nor do I try to exaggerate. In fact, I remain pretty low key in Ketchikan and this is only the second time I have written to SitNews.

So let's look back at my first mention of the Southeast Alaska Retooling Bill S785. This bill was introduced April 2, 2009. I re-mention the sentence that states: "The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee". I also would like to re-mention that this has been sitting in the Committee on Environment and Public Works since 2009! I love the sentence "Never make it out of committee!"

Listening to a Conference Call, made from Washington DC by Lisa Murkowski in August, I asked when she thought this may go through. I am not quoting Lisa Murkowski, but the impression she gave me with her answer, was more than likely "Not this year". Pretty good assumption since most bills and resolutions never make it out of committee! Can't say that she mislead me on this one.

Again, it's my belief that we need to do something about what is going on! It's time to take action and accept the fact that this bill may take years to go through. Can SE Alaska really wait that long? Again, I don't think so!

I'm not a wacko, (or at least I don't think so). I hold a responsible job as NSM for CBS-SE and my husband was an old growth timber cutter and logger for at least 35 years. He started logging in 1963 when they were logging Old Growth Timber. He started logging before they started using steel towers! It's clear to me....Old Growth and the Timber Industry is dying. People need to learn this and accept it. The environmentalists have used every avenue they can to put an end to logging! It's sad, but it's true! This is because I believe that logging in Alaska was done in a fairly responsible way. No thanks to the Clinton Administration, who closed our forest and put my husband out of work, but that s a different article!

The facts are clear to me. Lisa Murkowski has not done a thing for my family. Not that I ever expected her to, but a large part of my past support for Lisa Murkowski was shamefully in error and mostly based on bill-S785. I do not think bill-S785 will pass, and if it does, it could take years. Can SE Alaska wait years? Again, I don't think so. I will not continue to support a plan that seems to be going nowhere.

This is only part of my decision to no longer support Lisa Murkowski for Senate. I've done some homework and found out that Lisa Murkowski has voted over 300 times against her own party! This gave me great concern. Does it you? I think it should, but what do I know? The way things are going in America today I think we all need to start asking some question and taking action. It gave me enough concern that I started to investigate. I started looking into Lisa Murkowski's voting record, what she voted for and what she voted against. I did not like what I found out. So that's when I started to investigate who was running against Lisa Murkowski. I needed to become informed and start to look for another choice for US Senate for Alaska.

When I started looking, I found that choice. The choice was easy for me because I found Joe Miller. I read his resume. You can also read Joe Miller s resume at

I believe it's time for change. It's time for "Alaska's True Conservative". I say please take the time to be informed and then see if you remain committed to your choice.

I am writing this letter on my own volition, as a citizen of the United State of America and a resident of Ketchikan, Alaska since October 9, 1999. I choose to support Joe Miller for US Senator as a volunteer for his campaign and because it is right for me.

Sandra Rusin McCray
Ketchikan, AK


Received August 08, 2010 - Published August 09, 2010



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Ketchikan, Alaska