SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Lands of the First Peoples
By Dale Albertson


August 17, 2009

One cannot make an argument against the history of the people. And, even though "others", claim a hundred or even hundreds of years of possession, and have practiced genocide, we still persist. Our possession goes back at least 10,000 years, your scientists have proven that for all to see. Truth is Truth, and not open for argument or discussion. Land to our people is sacred, and we are the caretakers. In most cases we allow almost anyone to live in our lands, there is plenty, however we do not accept: greed, avarice or forceful behavior into what is not yours to begin with. We do not exact huge taxes or demand outrageous fees for this, only that you honor the land and use its resources wisely, not to line your pockets, and not care for all as we would.

Our earth gave us many resources, that must be used for the benefit of all, not just for the benefit of a few, the alleged educated elites or the powerful, but for the benefit of all. We must care for our elders, through whose hands wisdom and knowledge passes generation by generation. We must care for the children, unto whom this knowledge we MUST pass. We must care for the sick and the lame, they are sent among us to test our knowledge, and to find whether we are compassionate. To see if we can apply what knowledge we have learned. We must care for ourselves, as how can we be caring, pass knowledge or take care of the earth if we fail ourselves.

I would suggest that if you think you have a claim, present your petition to the elders, the elders of the First Peoples representatives in the area you have interest. They are kind, and always consider others. Show how you will care for all, in every situation and then sit and listen.

Dale Albertson
Pahoa, HI

About: " I am Inuit, First Peoples of what is now called America, Polynesian among others; my grandfathers got around. I had studied Hawaiian history, Alaskan Native Peoples' history."

Received August , 2009 - Published August 17, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska