SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Crab Mentality
By Jose Garcia


August 28, 2008

Not only Filipinos in Ketchikan, or other Alaskan cities, but the entire country where Filipinos conglomerate; having been, and mostly in cities where the onslaught of Filipinos have ekked their living to fuse themselves in the American Dream, there is still that old tradition of crab mentality embedded in the sinews of their sublimal instincts.

Observations direct from the 4th largest Alaska city of Ketchikan, 80% of the Filipinos are contented in just working and earning through hard jobs, keeping their money for relatives back home, dreams of getting them to the city to effect the old family tradition of unification. Not all!

Competing against the only Safeway, Walmart and McDonalds, the so-called "Mom and Pop" stores owned by Filipinos and some capitalization comes from the mainstays of natives or whites, either on a "quid pro quo" status, but as part of the economic investment profile.

As long as products sold within these Mom and Pop stores, restaurants, money transmittal schemes, internet services, phone cards, their agenda is a James Bondish style of "Live or Let Die."

But wary to say, Filipinos surely lived a superb life in Ketchikan. Naught to say, not only earning their hard earned money in fish processing enterpreneurship, the Yearly Dividends allocated to all Alaskan residents gave these Filipinos to come to their roots year end and year round - vacating their leased condo's, rooms, rented/acquired residences- for a mardi gras of being with relations in the Philippines.

But, these 90% are contented with being residents only, or dual citizenship if ever have acquired US Naturalization processes. The nostalgia mostly are derived from cable connections to the Filipino Channel.

But there are Filipinos in the "ningas cogon" stages that can be seen and defy the nature of economics where the lack of gambling, or even distribution of drugs along the line, have heaved a sort of respite for unemployed Filipinos under their own family tree tradition.

Defying present laws, others have gotten away with it. Other's have eavesdrop on political namesakes to lessen the pressure, or inhibiting security investigation by law enforcement agencies. Others are kept mum because of an ongoing investigation.

Filipinos are secured in Ketchikan! But is Ketchikan secured with Filipinos?

Jose Garcia
Ketchikan, AK


Received August 22, 2008 - Published August 28, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska