SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Oil Tax Revisited
By Charlotte Tanner


August 22, 2007

Rep. Jay Ramras stop trying to scare us. Especially with all the corruption in our politicians coming to the light. The oil with be there, it is not going anywhere. The NorthSlope Rapists will still want it. Alaskans need and deserve fair and transparent deals among the oil companies and our politicians. I for one, am tired of witnessing our politicians feathering their nests while having my students being threatened by the Alaska State Student Loan Company.

Somehow it just doesn't seem fair that the wealthy keep getting wealthier, and the students keep getting threatened, and this has everything to do with the way the oil companies are pandered to in this State.

We own the oil, not the Oil Companies, so Rep. Jay Ramras stop with the scare tactics, I am sick and tired of being scared by my governments.

Charlotte Tanner
Louisville, KY

Received August 21, 2007 - Published August 22, 2007

About: Resident of Alaska since 1968, currently serving as Americorps Volunteer for a year in Louisville, KY

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska