SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Green Acres and Great Neighbors
By Ardath Piston


August 15, 2007
Wednesday PM

Good neighbors take care of each other: keeping an eye on children, pets and homes. They are considerate, helpful, and receptive to each other's needs. I am fortunate to live in just such a neighborhood. So on the rare occasion when there is a noise disturbance or some other sort of annoyance, I say something...the problem has always been rectified.

I have two neighbors that raise even has a goat aptly named "Goat". These animals bring me joy on a daily basis. Not only do my kind neighbors freely share their eggs with me, they also provide excellent compost for my gardens. I even have a special bucket labeled "Goat and Chicken Snacks" that I fill with leavings from our salads and fruit. Every few days I bring the snacks over to an appreciative goat and a chatty bunch of hens. My days are filled with the sounds of happy clucking and cheerful goat bleating, and I love it!

There is great value in forming a solid relationship with neighbors.

I have learned through trial and error that going directly to a neighbor and nicely discussing the problem is far more effective than harboring anger. Who knows, you might find out you live next to an amazing person with many talents, interests, or hobbies that you share. You might even become (gasp) friends.

Ardath Piston
Ketchikan, AK

Received August 14, 2007 - Published August 15, 2007

About: "15 year resident of Ketchikan. Currently sunburned with at least 5000 bug bites. Advocate of chickens, good neighbors, and strong bug dope."


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska