SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Gravina Clean Up Volunteers Needed
By Jerry Cegelske


August 14, 2007
Tuesday AM

I received a call from the Alaska State Troopers about an abandoned vehicle on Revilla Road this week. It was difficult to find it and after looking at it the conclusion was that it hadn't been there very long. I don't know how you drive off Revilla Road in the summertime. In winter it happens frequently due to the meeting of warm moist air with the colder surface of the road creating icy conditions. I think the driver may have had some problems or been preoccupied. It was definitely a wild ride going over the trees and rocks in the ditch, ending with the left front wheel twisted at an angle and with both left tires flat.

jpg mazda and rocks it passed over.

Mazda and rocks it passed over

Before I found the vehicle I checked one of the favorite dumping spots and found fresh trash, including a D-8 battery that should have been turned into the auto parts store so it could be recycled. Now we have to send someone out to clean up the mess.

I spent some time checking on the South Tongass cleanup and discovered that people are still dumping their trash. Some woman who smokes Pall Mall and Marlboro cigarettes and goes heavy with the lipstick seems to like to dump her trash for others to pick up. Then there was the obligatory beer bottle container and broken bottles tossed in an area that had just been cleaned up in the last two months with your tax dollars. It makes you wonder what people are thinking or if they are at all.

jpg trash

Trash off Revilla Road

On Tuesday and Wednesday, August 14th and 15th Gravina Clean Up Volunteers will be meeting at the Harbormaster's Office at 8:30 am to start working on Gravina Island again. Lunch will be provided for the volunteers. Your participation would be appreciated. It is a great opportunity to get the teens away from the tv and into the outdoors. We will try to get the last mile or so of trash picked up on the island. We had great weather for the clean up last month and removed a lot of trash. I hope to see you there.

Jerry Cegelske
Ketchikan, AK

Received August 10, 2007 - Published August 14, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska