SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


40 Acres and a Mule
By Jay Jones


August 07, 2007

My Father once told me (when the National Debt was "only" 1 trillon dollars) to "Get 40 acres and a mule because the money's all gone." Now the Debt is almost 9 trillon dollars and rising. It's sad to think that kids who were in high school last year are getting shot at and blown up while "fierce, proud, independent Alaskans are arguing about how to spend other citizen's money on stuff they don't really need. Why don't we ask the kids doing the fighting where we should spend the money we don't have. After all, it's their future we're mortgaging. Are you doing your part to help win the war? I will put my mule on the airport ferry if I can afford 40 acres on Gravina.

Jay Jones
Ketchikan, AK

Received August 07, 2007 - Published August 07, 2007

About: "Expert Taxpayer"


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska