SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bejeweled Downtown
By Derek Flom


August 07, 2007
Tuesday AM

The crisis of the tourist economy. Where would we be without tourism? How high would our tax rates be without the seasonal tax influx tourism creates? What would we complain about? Certainly not about jewelry stores for the downtown would be boarded up, year round. Tourism is not the greatest, however I think many of us would enjoy being one more often than not. Everyone likes a vacation, and many of our visitors chose our little town to visit. Pretty neat, how many places in the world get this kind of attention? We live in an amazing place, rain, water and rain and some beautiful scenery. The people of this town are as unique as the weather, opinions like raindrops, each one different.

We have some great things here, schools and teachers like no other. An arts community to make even Mona Lisa jealous. Fishing so great even a vegetarian could get hooked. Did I mention ballet, swimming, scouting or the First City Players? A town at the edge of prosperity, yet we debate on who should get to be in business and where?

Ketchikan and its people should focus on how to inspire new business, not pass laws restricting it.

Our future growth is dependent on gaining access to Gravina and the Shelter Cove road systems, recruiting new business (year round) to our community. Supporting our local builders so affordable housing is available for our current residents and new friends to come.

Buy local and support the existing businesses, they are your friends and neighbors. If we create the buy local environment more businesses will want to be local. More business = more jobs = a healthy economy = a happy community

No matter what your opinion, please remember to vote on October 2nd.

Derek Flom
Canidate for Borough Assembly 2007
Ketchikan, AK

Received August 06, 2007 - Published August 07, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska