SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Hot Seat
By Rob Glenn


August 02, 2007
Thursday PM

With Stevens now in the hot seat, one has to wonder about the rest of his buddies. Will Frank Murkowski and Don Young start feeling pressure as well as others?

Stevens has brought a lot of attention to himself with the bridges and congressional temper tantrums. He wanted to place the bridge spending into a defense bill because no politician in their right mind would not fund the troops. A very low step to go to get funding for bridges that the entire nation is paying for.

It will be interesting to see what happens here. I am sure there will be a lot of crying foul from Ted, but he is obviously not an angel...enter the whole Jack Abramoff situation. Ted quickly gave the money back when it all got investigated.

So who are the politicians out for? Obviously thier own pockets. Time for them to go and get some politicians who are "in the now."

Rob Glenn

Received August 01, 2007 - Published August 02, 2007

About: "Former resident of Ketchikan who pays taxes."


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska