Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Vote YES
By Thomas Ferry


August 08, 2005

Vote yes, yes, yes! Seems to me that some people that are writing in against the bond were ready to vote yes for the bond if it was going to go south of Thomas Basin where they own property that would have doubled in value. Since the southerners lost out to the northerners there are a lot of sore folks that won't reap a windfall.

The fact is that we need more cruise ship berthing and after an exhaustive study the decision that was reached is the right one. Remember the petition that gathered more than two thousand signatures in support of the northern option - that amount is almost unheard of in this small town.

Already plans of a historic overlay are in full swing so development in the area north of the tunnel known as Newtown will be rehabilitated with a historic flair. There will be no gaudy buildings or color schemes allowed in that area, the same as Carmel, California and many other historic communities around the country.

City float will be vastly improved and expanded and the sidewalks will be widened, Hopkins Alley will become the next Creek Street as it is one of the last wooden streets in town and the tourists that make it there just love it.

Not all, but some folks just want to hog all the business to themselves. This is the best option and people who say negative things about it just haven't seen the plans that I have.

I want to urge all the two thousand four hundred people that signed the northern option petition to go out and vote YES!!

Everyone I talk to say they are voting yes. All the negatives that I have heard have no merit. I hope there is another public forum soon.

Vote YES. Good day.

Thomas Ferry
Ketchikan, AK - USA


On the Web:

 Ketchikan Port Berth Expansion Bond Initiative

Ketchikan Port Berth
Expansion Bond Initiative

 Ketchikan Port Berth Expansion Bond Initiative

Vote August 16, 2005

 The City of Ketchikan is proposing to expand and improve facilities along the waterfront to provide enhanced public use and additional economic benefit to residents, business owners, and the City. A bond initiative will be placed on the August 16, 2005 ballot to gain approval for up to $70 million to fund the project. - More... Port Expansion Project Information




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Ketchikan, Alaska