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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

"Stand your ground"

By Duane Hill


July 27, 2013

Was a 17 year old thug in training. An aggressive athlete, skilled in MMA type fighting, constantly in trouble, kicked out of school for being in trouble and making trouble, kicked out of his foster mother's home, kicked out of his mother's home, he finally ended up living with his father's current girl friend while his father left town. He was found to have women's jewelry in his backpack at school, along with a heavy screw driver suited for use as a pry bar. His cell phone had messages about him beating people, including a bus driver, plus photos of property missing from the condo next door to where he was staying.

I am NOT Trayvon Martin. I have no interest in breaking into people's homes or beating them up. Nor do I have any interest in ambushing neighborhood watchmen and trying to murder them.

At least one of the people holding those signs outside the federal building was a teacher. I would have hoped that Ketchikan teachers had enough sense to do at least a little basic research on a subject before pushing an idea.

BTW, the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman incident had nothing at all to do with "Stand Your Ground". The only one who had a chance to escape, Trayvon Martin, did, and doubled back to attempt to murder Zimmerman. Zimmerman had no chance to escape, so "Stand Your Ground" was simply not relevant. GZ was not a couch potato, he was mashed potatoes. To say that GZ should never have left his car is to say that GZ should have known that Trayvon Martin was a murderous sociopath who would try to murder him for spying on TM's looking for homes to rob.

"Stand Your Ground" equals "Murder"? Not so. Outlawing SYG condones robbery, rape, and murder.

Duane Hill
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received July 24, 2013 - Published July 27, 2013

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Ketchikan, Alaska