SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Ketchikan-what a town!

By Teri Hoyt


July 03, 2013
Wednesday AM

Perhaps all the recent sunshine or the super-moon has inspired me to express how lucky I feel to live in Ketchikan!

I've seen many changes here, and the farmer's market is a good example of how our community continues to strive to be a more desirable place to live. As a vender at at the farmer's market I was amazed to see the excited interest everyone shared about the possibilities of gardening here. I had more fun explaining what arugala was, tips on growing micro-greens, and how prepare lemon balm or wild peppermint for tea than actually accepting money for my produce!! Everyone should be inspired to get out there and grow something! Who knew green onions could be such a hot commodity?

The "arts community" has grown so much and watching the recent production of The Tempest at Totem Bight was truely magical!

The natual wonders abound here from the alpine flowers and beachcombing on minus tide mornings, to the huge potential of the Bokan Mountain deposits.

I hope I never hear " Ketchikan is the bridge to nowhere town" again! Nowhere? Quite the contrary, with all our community has to offer, it's somewhere anyone would like to be! Raising my two daughters here we enjoyed the festivals, sports, celebrations, exhibits, fishing, excellent educational opportunities, and endless outdoor activities! We got it all here, from ballerinas to boot races!!!

Of course, the people are what make Ketchikan great, with friendly faces everywhere supporting each other in many ways. Yes, there are the folks who would rather post negative words about anything from politics to personal problems, but today I'd rather shed a ray of positive light on another beautiful day in OUR paradise.

Now, I better stop watching the whales out my window and check the salmon in the smoker so I can get some gardening done before the show tonight!!!
Enjoy the summer Ketchikan....and THANKS!!!

Teri Hoyt
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Proud 33 year resident and avid gardener and birder enjoying the bounty of nature and Ketchikan."

Received June 27, 2013 - Published July 03, 2013



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska